
Tuesday 11 September 2012

My Para Lympics Story

Yesterday Room 15 went outside for the afternoon but we had no idea what we were doing. Once we got outside Mr Marks said that “we have to go find a partner because we are going to be like the people in the Para - Lympics and see how it feels like to be one of them”. After he told us that we most of us were thinking how are we ment to do this but once Mr Marks told us how we were going to do it then we finaly got the idea. ( Paragraph 1 )

The only reason why we were doing it was because we were watching most of the Para - Lmpics on youtube with out teacher. He thought if we are watching all of this then how would it feel to be like one of them. So he decied to do that but I thought that we just would of try to do it ourself but no we didn’t. I was shocked that he could even think of that because if I was a teacher and I had to think of that then I would just make the kids do it not me really. ( Paragraph 2 )

Then he said that we had to get one of the new bibs and stick it around our wast but some how I couldn’t seem to fit it around my wast all it would do is fall down. The only way I could stick it on is if I did a not and atatch the vellcob together and yeah. After all that saw soughted then he said that we had to go find a partner and set behind your partner so I chose Mele but she wanted to go first in the first challenge so I let her. ( Paragraph 3 )

Once Mr Marks told us our first challenge then me and her talked to each other to see how will be doing what. So we got that over with then we had to just wait for Mr Marks to finsh what he was doing. Then we were about to start till these boys would stop talking so we waited a bit longer then they finaly got the message so now we could start our forst challenge. ( Paragraph 4

Monday 10 September 2012

Rippa Rugby

On Friday the year 5 and 6’s Rippa Rugby Girls had a game againts Pamurer Bridge, Silvia Park Primery and Baily Road. We all walked down to the Point England Reserve at 9:10 am.  Once we got there we had to get into our lines because there was three other teams from Point England and they were the Over 50kg’s Rugby Boys, Under 50kg’s Rugby Boys and the year 5 and 6 boys rugby team.

Once we were in our lines we played Silvia Park Primery School. First we had had the ball then we got 3 point in 5 mintures then they had the ball but the only one point in 10 mintures. After that the game was over and the Point England Rippa Rugby Girls Won so the we went on to the next game againts Pamure Bridge.

Once we finshed our first game we waited for Pamuer Bridge to get here then they eventally got here. Once the buzzer went off they started with the ball then in five mintuers  they already had  two points. Then we had the ball then in 5 mintures we had four pionts then the game was over.  Then we had to play Baily Road so we just waited for them to get here.

Once they got here we quickly talked about what would happen if we won all our game and Miss V said “ if we win the we will go to the champions in New Lynn. So once we heard that then we knew that we had to win this games or we won’t be  Champions. So we tried our hardest to win and we won but the other team thought that they had won but we knew we won our game. So it looks like we are off to the champions ship in week ten.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Para - lympic About Wheel Chair Sprint

The Paralympic is for people who are blind, deaf or who have no legs or arms. A sport that people with no legs can do is a sport call Wheel Chair Sprint. That is when you are on the speacil kind of wheel chair which has one wheel in the frount and two wheels in the back so that it keeps you balance. You dont have any handels all you need to do is mostly use you arms and hands to control the wheels  like your on an wheel chair.