
Thursday 23 August 2012

My Cross Country Story

Today is that day again cross crountry. “Oh no” I said to myself well all I can say is that I hate running. But really I have to run or I’ll come last in all the year 6’s.

Our cross country started at 12:00 o’clock but all the 11 year old kids had to start last cause we just had to really. But once we got down to the reseve I quickly looked at everyone and they all look like that they weren’t even ready to start. All I knew that I wasn’t even ready for this day to even come.

All I could hear was Mr Burt saying “get ready get set go” then he claped the wood together. Then we were off and first I just started jogging and I knew that alot would sprint then they would get tierd half way to the finsh line si that was why I jogged.   

When I got past Mr Burt I could just the track and everyone running and walking. But I was thinking  if I tryed then I get to that finsh line. Then we got to the muddy puddles and the slippery paths and that might be the hardest bit in the course.

Once that was finsh then we got to the broken bridges. They weren't really broken but there were pieces missing but we'll be able to get across and yeah. After we got overe that then we had to go through the brushes and then we would nearly be at the finsh line. But going through the brushes did slow me down abit but I got through those brushes then I was nearly at the finsh line.

After I got through the brushes then I was nearly at the finsh line. But I was so tried that I run but I knew I would get there and I can't give up now so I just tryed my best and I got to that point that I knew that I had to carry on. Once I crossed that finsh line then I just fell to the ground but then I had to stand up again so Miss Fallive so she could get my house colour which is Matatua which is the colour Green.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Sausages Sizzle

  1. Yesterday Room 15 had a sausages sizzle which meant ,if we wanted to have a sausage then we  would have to bring a gold coin donation or we weren’t allowed a sausage. But Mr Mark said we were allowed one only if we payed him the next day. So we did end up having one but before we had one we and to make it so this was the first step.

We had to take turns cutting up the onions so we did. First we get an onion and then peeled it then we had to cut it in half. After that we had to start chopping it into semi ciucle and stick it onto the big green plate. But we couldn't just stick it stright onto the grill causes the sausages were cooking.

Finaly Mr Marks finshed cooking the sausage and that ment that he could stick the onions on the grill.  Once those onions were cook then we could eat our sausage sizzle. Just a few more  mintures and then we could eat them up.

Once the onions were fainly cook we had to stand in line and wait til we got to the table then we could get a bread. Then we go up to Mr Marks  and get an sausage amd some onions. Next we would go up to Aldora and Meleane so the can strick some tomtoe sauce on top of our sausage sizzle.

Now it’s time to eat our yummy sausage sizzle. Then we walked outside to the deck  and started to eat our nummy sausage. Once I took a bite all I could taste was a bit of  bunrt bit of the sausages. So I took another bite then I could taste the nice hot sausage so I eat it all up and went to take a drink then back to our school work “oh no” I said as I was walking back up the stairs.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Charlee's Rugby Training

Yesterday my team and I had practice. Before we did anything and go anywhere we had to go to get change and then meet Miss Vaafusuaga down at the bottom field. Off we went doing as we were told.

Out of nowhere my teammates started screaming because the field was wet and muddy. Nobody could really blame was muddy and dripping with water!

After a short while MrsVa’afusuaga yelled out at the top of her lungs, “Come on girls stop playing around and come because we are going to do a quick warm up, ok.” We got there eventually, not too tired or not to cold.

Then Mrs.v took the ball off us and said “Come on girls get into your places now so we can start training hurry up”. Suddenly the bell went...and off we went running to the changing rooms. Once we were clean and ready to go we were off to class.